Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Top 20 Weird Looking Computer Mice

How would you imagine a world where the mouse was never invented? I, for one, just love my mouse (the hardware, not the rodent) and I just have to mention I don’t feel comfortable using trackpads. I love that combination of speed and precision that I get from my mouse that no trackpad can even compare with. Maybe it’s because it’s easier to control something with your whole hand rather than your finger, or maybe it’s just a matter of getting used to one piece of hardware more than the other. But while navigation in various applications can be done with a trackpad, I don’t think that games will ever be playable with a trackpad (maybe a gamepad, but that’s another story).
And the mouse did came a long way since 1968 when a team of scientists from the Stanford University lead by Douglas Engelbart made the first public demonstration of a mouse (or X-Y Position Indicator for a Display System as it was called then). New technologies kept improving the mouse to the state it is today, always making it more precise and easier to use. But this article is not a history lesson. Today we will show you the top 20 weirdest mice ever produced.

#20: The Car Mouse

If you just live, breathe and eat cars, this mouse may grab your attention.
435cdb71aea9ebe3561190e586cbd7a2 Top 20 Weird Looking Computer Mice

#19: The Slim Mouse

This mouse is slim, very slim. It’s actually so slim that you can store it in the memory card slot of your laptop (the USB cable included). When you want to use it, “unfold” it and you are set to go. It may be a practical mouse, but it looks kind of funny.
33b0abed98ef6de116b3a6110243c9f8 Top 20 Weird Looking Computer Mice

#18: The Space Rocket Mouse

Some of the mice we will show you today might seem from outer space. This one looks like it’s going to get into outer space.
8bc1e9f214c7bcab9c234b00e33a53a8 Top 20 Weird Looking Computer Mice

#17. The Grenade Mouse

We are undecided if this mouse is a bomb or if it will just blow you away. Just kidding, it’s harmless, just don’t use the real thing if your CounterStrike performance sucks.
49da1eb2d2295824f782aa0ae927caaa Top 20 Weird Looking Computer Mice

#16. Skype Phone Mouse

“Excuse me for a moment, my MOUSE is ringing”?
edec3f4f3ae482b37321d10a1678cf1c Top 20 Weird Looking Computer Mice

#15: The Porky Mouse.

Some people believe there is nothing wrong with squishing something that looks like a pig’s eye to get to the link they want.
663dbb40bb3683fe15e527dcee8995a3 Top 20 Weird Looking Computer Mice

#14. The Ring Mouse

This is what geeks will be offering as a wedding ring in the year 2020:
bdecdef320ae8b89f6e9b7290bac63d0 Top 20 Weird Looking Computer Mice

#13. The anti-bacterial mouse.

We recommend that you regularly wash your hands and clean your mouse on a daily basis. If you are too lazy to do this (which should be a problem), here is an alternative:
e28138529f25e5c5397e142c58821d6d Top 20 Weird Looking Computer Mice

#12. The Tablet Mouse

This is probably the most unpractical mouse of them all as the tablet is too small for anything really useful, but it does look cool, and it comes in four different colors so you can match the color you have on your “Printer Keyboard” :>
64dcc5c0091727bf0952ab008b6eecba Top 20 Weird Looking Computer Mice

#11. 3D Mouse

If you are working in the 3D design field, then you may recognize this mouse, but you have to admit it’s weird-looking. It’s actually called a Space Explorer mouse, which is something we would imagine a Space Explorer should be using.
26efaa742cbd96eec1ec408241700009 Top 20 Weird Looking Computer Mice

#10. The Gun Mouse

If you are a First Person Shooter fan and don’t get the feel that you are actually shooting, try this mouse. You won’t get too many frags as it does not seem very ergonomically designed, but pulling a trigger to kill virtual enemies is cool. Bullets not included.
0d809996a32de25ee6873453dc5b9344 Top 20 Weird Looking Computer Mice

#9: The Fanatec Headshot Uber Mouse

We think Batman uses this mouse when playing Counter Strike against The Joker so we won’t say anything more about it.
e851a66e36de5a26280ff50c8198bb20 Top 20 Weird Looking Computer Mice

#8: The Microsoft Natural Laser Mouse

We hope Microsoft future operating systems are not as “natural” as the design of this mouse.
633adb7ea39f2bdd65c330a36c6e9b0b Top 20 Weird Looking Computer Mice

#7: The “Hand” Mouse.

No comment on this one.
fd458188f662041f35abe6d10395391d Top 20 Weird Looking Computer Mice

#6: MUS2 Mouse

“Point and Click” ?
761e6393683a88dbd8f43d6606fa17f7 Top 20 Weird Looking Computer Mice

#5 The Heart Mouse

Some people really love their mouse.
f609d47114744f6afda4afb3155b3ebf Top 20 Weird Looking Computer Mice

#4 The Horror Mouse

If you suffer from any heart condition, don’t buy this mouse.
82cee602460cd25e0c9366ee9121c372 Top 20 Weird Looking Computer Mice

#3 The Boob Mouse

I know you prefer the real stuff, but DOTA and ladies don’t work out sometimes. Try this method instead.
a3d4234080c90533a98476c9da2b6103 Top 20 Weird Looking Computer Mice

#2 The Cyborg Mouse.

While we don’t know for sure how this mouse is used, it is official: this is the coolest mouse ever made.
50ed9795a8028423e72060dbf8d39dea Top 20 Weird Looking Computer Mice

#1. The Mouse… Mouse

See, it’s a mouse shaped like a… Mouse. How cool is that?
5bc12986629f5a596ca072fa3401e680 Top 20 Weird Looking Computer Mice

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Monday, 27 June 2011

Top 10 Touch Phones from Future

10. The Ring Phone Concept by Tao Ma

toa ma Top 10 Touch Phones from Future
Tao Ma is the master of unique idea and so only he could have thought of this exceptional Ring Phone concept. It’s the Sony Ericsson Ring Phone which also won the SE design competition in 2004, so you might see it becoming a reality pretty soon.

9. Dazzling Bracelet Phone by Tao Ma

dazzling Top 10 Touch Phones from Future
A fashionista could go crazy over this trendy metal bracelet, which is in fact an ultra-sleek cell phone. Designed in handcuff style, the techno bracelet shines like a diamond and also incorporates a MP3 player.

8. The Benq-Siemens Snaked

future1 Top 10 Touch Phones from Future
benq siemens snaked jWVTc 22974 Top 10 Touch Phones from Future
The Benq designers have created this sexy snake style bracelet phone, which looks simply irresistible. The Snaked has been designed for sporty women, so also includes body monitoring sensors to help women gauge their fitness regime.

7. The CiSi concept phone

cisi Top 10 Touch Phones from Future
The CiSi concept phone could be seen as the most stylish eco-friendly phone with all cutting-edge features. The futuristic phone boasts of beautiful wooden finish, 4 backlit main keys and the Grave UI, which is a custom interface for Android OS. The extremely thin casing is commendable.

6. The Pebble phone concept

pebble Top 10 Touch Phones from Future
I’d love to be hit by this pebble, which is an amazingly seamless mobile phone. Except for its shape and design, the Pebble is a simple phone with no complicated features. It’s the brainchild of British designer Jamie Lawrence, the Pebble beautiful slides apart from the middle to reveal the touchscreen.

5. The Mobiado CPT001 luxury phone concept

mobiado cpt001 concept phone IpIum 22974 Top 10 Touch Phones from Future
The mystical phone concept has been rolled as the “objet d’art”. It’s a luxury phone made from rare material from the Renaissance period, and which is beautifully blended with the modern technology.

4. The Holo Mobile Computer Phone

holo mobile computer phone szuxL 22974 Top 10 Touch Phones from Future
French designer Elodie Delassus has redefined mobile computing with this ultra-trendy bracelet phone. The HOLOP2.0 could be a desirable fashion accessory, which aslo gives you exceptional internet access with portable computer features. It’s made from highly flexible non-conductive, non-allergic and heat resistant material for comfortable wear and uninterrupted networking.

3. The Nokia 888 Mobile Phone by Tamer Nakisci

nokia 888 eGhTL 22974 Top 10 Touch Phones from Future
Tamer Nakisci’s Nokia 888 is the most flexible phone one can ever imagine. It uses liquid battery, features speech recognition, has flexible touch screen and touch sensitive body cover which lets it mould according to the environment.

2. The futuristic Dial concept phone

dial phone concept ZXIKf 22974 Top 10 Touch Phones from Future
Jung Dae Hoon’s Dial is inspired from the glorious era of the dial phones, but it’s the uber-futuristic of the classic phones. Wearable like a bangle, the Dial is has a projected light beam in the inner circle, which is a touchscreen dial.

1. The Finger-Touching Phone Concept

finger touching concept phone SKIoF 22974 Top 10 Touch Phones from Future
You don’t touch with your finger rather touch your finger in this unique wearable Finger-Touching phone concept, designed by Sunman Kwon. Compatible with 3.5G, 4G communication standard, the phone allows easy communication and enhances online chatting experience. The phone uses it uses the 12 instinctive “finger joints” for easy and simple controls.